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​Congregational Care

The Congregational Care Committee is in place to reach out and minister to the needs of our church family. This is done with cards, notes, calls, personal visit and prayers. Do you know of a member or friend of our church family who is ill, needs prayers, would like call, a visit or a card, or might benefit from meal train? If so, please contact the Church Office (410-795-6152), Cathy Marsh (410-549-6916) or Diana Steppling (862-266-2242).


Some other ways we care for each other:


Meal Train: providing meals and help with daily needs.


Blessing Basket: A basket of small gifts and notes of encouragement when life is challenging.


Comfort Bags: Filled with items to pass the time and a personal note, for those suffering from a cold, flu, COVID or any condition that keeps them confined.


Part of caring for our congregation includes time to socialize. Every Sunday following worship we have fellowship time with refreshments and talking- lots of talking! We celebrate our graduates and encourage them along the way. Two “Rain or Shine “picnics and two soup and sandwich luncheons, one on Stewardship Sunday and one on Super Bowl Sunday (Souper Bowl), are favorite events on the church calendar. For those who like games, we have Game Night the 4th Saturday of each month.


Mission and Outreach

​The Mission and Outreach part of CoCaMO works to embody our mission out into the community and beyond. Through this committee, we make sure our sub-group ministries are getting the help and assistance they need. We are also developing new mission opportunities to educate and assist the needs in our community and beyond. Some of the missions we currently support: 


Hunger Relief and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, four Special offerings through the Baltimore Presbytery, and E.S.C.A.P.E. Ministries.


Other mission projects are:


The Giving Tree: During the Lenten season new light weight clothing items are donated for Mountain Manor, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in Sykesville. During Advent, we collect new winter clothing for Mountain Manor and personal hygiene items, books, games and clothing for Springfield Hospital. An extension of the Giving Tree is the summer Mission project. In the month of August, we collect needed school supplies for children in our community.


Head Huggers: Head Huggers was started to address the need for prayer shawls and hats to warm and comfort the community. Our group of congregants and community members, who knit and crochet, meet monthly. This is also an educational ministry, so if you do not know how to knit or crochet, we are happy to help. You can find our prayer shawls, baby blankets, hats and other goods in places like Dove House Hospice, local hospitals, and Westminster Women and Children’s Shelter.


Community Table (Formerly Known as Feed My Sheep): Community Table is a ministry of a local congregation, Wesley Freedom UMC. We (SPC)  participate in their mission by providing meals once a month. Our SPC team serves a meal and shares in fellowship and friendship as they contribute to this ministry for the larger community.


Concert Series: Four times a year a free concert is offered to the community and beyond. A free-will offering is received to help support the concerts. CoCaMO committee hosts a reception with refreshments after each concert.


Sykesville Happy-Thon: This event is dedicated to providing warm clothing to those in need. It culminates in a heartwarming distribution event featuring treats and a visit from Santa Claus. Our contribution to Happy-Thon comes from a special offering and contributions from individual congregants.


Baltimore/Dakota Partnership: Our congregation supports and participates in the Baltimore Presbytery partnership with the Dakota Presbytery.  This partnership holds learning camps for one week during the summer on native reservations in South Dakota and the Upper Sioux Community in Minnesota. We will be holding four camps each summer and are looking for volunteer staff.  Staff can be anyone over the age of 9th grade.  Children between the ages of kindergarten to 8th grade can attend the camps with their parents and be campers with the native children.Our church has funds to help defray the costs of these camps.  Applications need to be in by April 1st.  To learn more about this mission, please visit:​


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