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Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

1 John 4:11 NRSV

Welcome to Springfield Presbyterian!

Frequently Asked Questions [F.A.Q.]

What group is Springfield a part of?

     Springfield Presbyterian Church is part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denomination. More information about the PC(USA) can be found here.

     On a local level, Springfield Presbyterian Church is part of Baltimore Presbytery, which is composed of 76 churches in Baltimore, Annapolis, Central, and Western Maryland. More information about Baltimore Presbytery can be found here.

Yeah, but what do you believe in, in this particular congregation?

     Good question! We affirm the PC(USA)'s core beliefs (which can be found on their website), such as the importance of Scripture as our core text for interpretation and our creeds and confessions as building blocks of our faith. We also endorse the PC(USA)'s social justice stances and have a strong understanding of mission out in our community, our nation, and our world.

     If you were to ask each congregant what we believe, you would get a  myriad of responses. What would ring true as a priority for many, would be a love of God and neighbor, a desire to follow God's will in our lives through Scripture and experience, and a sense of energy to jump out of our comfort zone from the Holy Spirit.

Who am I going to find in the pews?

     People on a journey. Some people with little faith, some with much. Some folks whose native language is English, some whose are not. Some people who have been here 'forever' and some who are pretty new. 

     We are an inclusive congregation. Wherever you are on the journey, you're welcome here! Whatever your gender or sexual orientation, the color of your skin, your age, where you come from - we would love to have you here at SPC. We believe that diversity is a gift from God and we celebrate that diversity.

Other than a Sunday, where will I find SPC?

You'll find us doing all sorts of ministries. You can find out more about them here

Otherwise, you'll find us living our lives in our places of school, work, and elsewhere, doing our best to live a faith that shows the love of God in all places. 

Who makes all the decisions?

     Uh. Jesus.


      But, on the earthly side of all that, the decisions of the church are made by our governing board called 'The Session' which is composed of 6 individuals who serve a 2-4 year term. In that space, we use prayer and discussion to make decisions, alongside the influence and encouragement of the congregation as a whole.

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